
Safeguarding Policy

It is the Policy of The Scouts to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Scouts understand that individuals thrive in safe surroundings so we are committed to ensuring that Scouting is safe and enjoyable for everyone involved and that safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and The Charity Commission requirements.

This policy:

  1. applies to all adults including the Board of Trustees, volunteers, paid staff, agency staff and anyone working on behalf of The Scouts;
  2. recognises that the welfare and interests of children, young people & adults at risk are paramount in all circumstances; and
  3. aims to ensure that all children, young people & adults at risk have a positive and enjoyable experience of Scouting in a safe and person-centred environment and are protected from abuse whilst participating in Scouting and otherwise.

It is the responsibility of all adults involved in Scouting to have read and understood the Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.

The Safeguarding Policy & Procedures must be adhered to at all times.

All breaches of the policy and procedures will be dealt with within in line with POR and the Safeguarding Processes and Procedures.

Appointing the Leaders who work with Young People

All volunteers who help to run our activities give their time freely to help young people enjoy Scouting. Leaders are interviewed locally and asked to provide references. Every adult working with young people in Scouting is subject to a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check initially and then at five yearly intervals.

Codes of Behaviour

The Scout Association has clear Codes of Behaviour which is given to all volunteers working in Scouting, regardless of their role. This is also included in the training that leaders receive and offers advice about how young people should be treated. Everyone is expected to follow it.

The Codes of Behaviour are referred to as Young People First and can be accessed via the Scouts website by clicking on the image of the cards:

Mandatory Ongoing Safeguarding Training

Our commitment to safeguarding our members is important to us and as such we require all appointments to renew their knowledge on a periodic basis. This ensures that all members are aware of any changes to the law or to The Scout Association policies.

Training is available either as a face to face course or by completing an online Safeguarding Awareness Training course. The online course has been designed using the objectives, key messages and training material produced for the face-to-face delivery of the course but tailored for online delivery. Once completed, a copy of the certificate should be sent to your Local Training Manager. No validation is required.

Ongoing Safeguarding Training must be completed at least every three years.

Supporting life issues and young people

Although families or schools will usually be the first port of call for many of the issues that young people face, it may be that a scout leader finds themselves needing to discuss some of these issues.

What to do if you have Concerns

If you suspect a young person is being abused, have concern for their safety or a young person confides in you, it is your duty to report it.  It’s the policy of The Scouts to safeguard the welfare of all members by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

Tell your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner immediately; do not investigate the matter yourself.

If in any doubt about what to do, contact Scout Information Centre (0845 300 1818) and ask for the Safeguarding Team or e-mail

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III